Frequently Asked Questions

Our website is supposed to help Washington state residents to find outdoor places that have preferable weather conditions.

Our team tried to combine features that WTA and All trails provide with additional information that we think would help in searching for your next outdoor adventure. Knowing that weather could be tricky in Seattle area, we've designed our website so that a user can narrow down their list of possible outdoor places to the ones with good weather. Besides that, our website focuses not only on trails but on other outdoor places such as parks, beaches, marinas, campgrounds, playgrounds, and more.

If you are a registered user, you can add new places, edit existing places, add photos and reviews.

Any outdoor places in Washington state.

Color represents a particular weather condition on a given day and time at a chosen location.

So far, our website provides 7 days forecast. In addition, we have an hourly forecast for 48 hours.

These dates are far away in the future. We have an hourly forecast for only the first 48 hours.

The forecast for each place is updated every 2 hours during day hours.

Yes. In order to do this, log in to SeattleSunSeeker, and you'll be able to edit a place. Go to a place page and click on a grey pen next to a section that you would like to edit.

Although our team tried to predict all possible activities and facilities that a place might have, something could get away from us. In this case, we would recommend you let us know about it. You can do it on the "Contact us" page by sending a message to us.

It takes up to 3 business days for our team to review any changes. Once the changes are reviewed, we'll send you a message on the website. You can find all your messages on the "My messages" page.

You can delete only photos that you have uploaded. You cannot delete other user's photos.

Yes, you can. In order to do this, log in to SeattleSunSeeker.

Any outdoor places in Washington state. But first we recommend checking if a place with the same location already exists.

The first reason why you might not be able to upload photos to a place is that you are not logged in. If you are logged in, and still can't do this, the place might already have the maximum number of photos uploaded. Due to storage limitations, users can upload no more than 5 photos to each place.

Log into SeattleSunSeeker, click on your username menu and choose "My places" from the dropdown options.

Sometimes, it could take more than 3 business days for our team to add a place or review the changes. However, the most possible reason is that your changes or a new place have been rejected. When we approve or reject changes, we always send you a message which you can find on our website. To do that, log into the website and go to the "My messages" page.

Didn't find an answer to your question? Contact us. We will try to answer asap!